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A Blog About Bees
We are interested in all things bee and so is our blog. The biology of honeybees, the world of pollinators and plants for a bee-friendly garden - there are so many fascinating aspects to the natural world and the world of beekeeping. If you want to buy bees, find out more about the queen, workers and drones. And if you come to us for our local honey - check out some recipes!

Feb 145 min read
What does an Asian hornet look like?
Find out how to recognise this stripey menace

Feb 106 min read
Bees and Honey: How do bees make honey - an amazing process
Explore the honey making process and its surprising impact on our world

Nov 14, 20243 min read
Why do bees make honey?
Learn more about honey's essential purpose (hint - they don't make it for us!)

May 1, 20246 min read
Why do bees swarm?
From April to July honeybees are on the move - it's a surprising story of queens, dancing bees and an uncertain journey

Apr 8, 20243 min read
Lungwort, Pulmonaria or Soldiers and Sailors - call it what you like, bees love it.
Not every bee has what it takes to get the good stuff!

Mar 27, 20244 min read
How much does it cost to keep bees?
You don't need lots of kit to keep bees - it costs much less than you might think.

Mar 14, 20243 min read
Early spring flowers for bees - Blackthorn (Sloe to you and me)
Blackthorn - spikes and frothy blossom - a real case of naughty and nice!

Mar 5, 20244 min read
How to start beekeeping
Our 10 top tips will help get you beekeeping.

Dec 17, 20235 min read
Tales of Harry's Top Bar Hive
Find out how Harry built a top bar hive and what happened to the honeybees that made it home.

Feb 1, 20237 min read
What is a nuc of bees?
A nuc of bees is beekeeper's shorthand for a nucleus of honeybees. It's the way most new beekeepers get started

May 6, 20224 min read
What do bees see?
Although we are both visual creatures, the world that bees see is completely different to ours. So, how do our worlds compare?

Jan 22, 20224 min read
The bee's knees - honey based cocktails for Valentine's Day
The bee's knees - honey based cocktails for Valentine's Day. Why not add a sweet note to Valentine's Day with Harry's Honey?

Jun 19, 20213 min read
What do bumblebees like? Thistle do nicely!
It's thistle time in the garden. Although some can be prickly, others are much friendlier and perfect for damp clay. Bumblebees adore them!

Mar 31, 20213 min read
The honeybee worker - simply the best!
Although the queen gets all the PR, the worker is the real star of the honeybee show

Mar 2, 20213 min read
What's in a flower - and why does it matter?
Flowers are beautiful to us but they are literally food and drink to insects.

Jan 24, 20214 min read
Spring flowers for spring bees
As each day gets longer, even though there's snow on the ground, the year has turned. Spring is on the way and nature's getting busy!

Oct 2, 20205 min read
What do boy bees do?
Not as glamorous as the queen or as famous as the worker bee, honeybee drones aren't around for long but they have a very important job

Sep 10, 20203 min read
Wasps - what do they do?
It's not a good sign if an insect gives its name to a word for anger and irritation but surely wasps don't exist just to annoy us?

Jul 29, 20203 min read
How many bees are in your garden?
Beekeepers are obsessed with honeybees and who doesn't love a bumble but that's not the end of it - there are more bees than you think!

Jul 2, 20202 min read
The honeybee queen - there is only one!
Being queen sounds glamorous and important but she definitely doesn't have a life of leisure!
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